# issues schema

# fields

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the issue
key string The key of the issue
fields object The fields of the issue
fields.parent object The parent of the issue
fields.parent.id string The ID of the parent issue
fields.parent.key string The key of the parent issue
fields.created string The created timestamp of the issue
fields.environment string The environment of the issue
fields.creator object The creator of the issue
fields.creator.accountId string The creator account ID of the issue
fields.creator.accountType string The creator account type of the issue
fields.creator.active boolean The creator active status
fields.creator.displayName string The display name of the creator
fields.creator.timeZone string The timezone of the creator
fields.duedate string The due date of the issue
fields.fixVersions array The list of releases assigned to the issue
fields.fixVersions[i].archived boolean Archived status of the release
fields.fixVersions[i].id string The ID of the release
fields.fixVersions[i].name string The name of the release
fields.fixVersions[i].released boolean Released status of the release
fields.aggregateprogress object The aggregate progress of the issue
fields.aggregateprogress.percent integer The progress of the issue in percent format
fields.aggregateprogress.progress integer The value of the progress which is the count of done issues
fields.aggregateprogress.total integer The value of total child issues
fields.aggregatetimeestimate integer The aggregate time estimate of the issue
fields.aggregatetimeoriginalestimate integer The aggregate time original estimate of the issue
fields.timeoriginalestimate integer
fields.timetracking object
fields.timetracking.originalEstimate string
fields.timetracking.remainingEstimate string
fields.timetracking.originalEstimateSeconds integer
fields.timetracking.remainingEstimateSeconds integer
fields.description string The description of the issue
fields.assignee object The assignee of the issue
fields.assignee.accountId string The assignee account ID
fields.assignee.accountType string The assignee account type
fields.assignee.active boolean The active status of the assignee
fields.assignee.displayName string The display name of the assignee
fields.assignee.timeZone string The timezone of the assignee
fields.issuetype object The type of the issue
fields.issuetype.description string The description of the issue type
fields.issuetype.id string The ID of the issue type
fields.issuetype.name string The name of the issue type
fields.components array The list of components assigned to the issue
fields.components[i].id string The ID of component
fields.components[i].name string The name of component
fields.priority object The priority of the issue
fields.priority.id string The ID of the issue priority
fields.priority.name string The name of the issue priority
fields.progress object The progress of the issue
fields.progress.percent integer The progress of the issue in percent format
fields.progress.progress integer The value of the progress which is the count of done issues
fields.progress.total integer The value of total sub issues
fields.project object The project assigned to the issue
fields.project.id string The ID of project
fields.project.key string The key of project
fields.project.name string The name of project
fields.reporter object The reporter of issue
fields.reporter.accountId string The account ID of reporter
fields.reporter.accountType string The account type of reporter
fields.reporter.active boolean The active status of reporter
fields.reporter.displayName string The display name of reporter
fields.reporter.timeZone string The timezone of reporter
fields.resolution object The resolution of the issue
fields.resolution.description string The description of the resolution
fields.resolution.id string The ID of the resolution
fields.resolution.name string The name of the resolution
fields.resolutiondate string The date of the resolution change
fields.status object The status of the issue
fields.status.description string The description of the issue status
fields.status.id string The ID of the issue status
fields.status.name string The name of the issue status
fields.status.statusCategory object The status category of the issue status
fields.status.statusCategory.colorName string The color name of the status category
fields.status.statusCategory.id integer The ID of the status category
fields.status.statusCategory.key string The key of the status category
fields.status.statusCategory.name string The name of the status category
fields.statuscategorychangedate string The changed date of the status category
fields.summary string The sumamry of the issue
fields.updated string The updated date of the issue
fields.votes object The votes of the issue
fields.votes.hasVoted boolean The indicator whether issue has voted or not
fields.votes.votes integer The number of votes
fields.watches object The object of users count whom are watching the issue
fields.watches.watchCount integer The count of users watching the issue
fields.workratio integer The work ratio of the issue